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  • Camille Antonsen

The Best British Biscuits

As an American studying at Oxford, I gave myself the very important job of compiling a list of my favourite biscuits, titled The Biscuit Hierarchy of Deliciousness in my Notes app. Here are my findings.

9. Maryland Cookies

I wasn't wowed by these biscuits (cookies?). They tasted a lot like Chips Ahoy. They are trying too hard to be American, and as an American living in England I wanted British biscuits. If I wanted American cookies, I would buy Oreos. Not impressed.

8. Classic Digestives

A true staple in our household of thirty students living in an old Victorian house. Everyone always had a sleeve of Digestives and a jar of Nutella on hand for emergencies. These flat, round treats, described as "sweet meal biscuits" on Wikipedia, are comparable to graham crackers in the States. Digestives can be enjoyed solo with a cup of tea or with a dollop of Nutella or Biscoff spread on top. They're extremely versatile but a little plain to rank higher on the Biscuit Hierarchy of Deliciousness.

7. Jammie Dodgers

The concept of Jammie Dodgers really is delicious — two shortbread cookies sandwiched with raspberry or strawberry flavoured jam. The only reason they are not higher on the list is because my roommate once told me that the filling tastes like watermelon Jolly Ranchers and I couldn't get that out of my head. It really does. Also, "Jammie Dodgers" is such a stereotypical British name. It's sounds like a name Americans would come up with if they were making fun of British people.

6. Chocolate Hob Nobs

Hob Nobs are basically Digestives but made with oats. Because of this, many people prefer Hob Nobs because of their texture. I personally prefer Digestives, but Hob Nobs are really class biscuits. Fit biscuits? I don't know, I didn't pick up British slang as easily as I picked up their biscuits. Anyway, Hob Nob is also another quintessentially British name which automatically gives it a good spot on this list.

5. Jaffa Cakes

Ah, Jaffa Cakes. You either love them or you hate them. I happen to love them. Another flat, circular treat, they are made with a sponge cake-like layer with a disc on top orange jelly that is then covered in chocolate. If you love the combination of orange and chocolate, you need to try Jaffa Cakes. And if you don't, you should still try them anyway. The real question is: are they biscuits or cakes?

4. Dark Chocolate Digestives

An elevated form of the classic Digestive, these things were the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. I brought back a stash when I had to return to the U.S. I once snuck a sleeve of these into an event and the security guards didn't confiscate them because EVERYONE loves Dark Chocolate Digestives. Absolutely incredible. 10/10. Would accept a lifetime supply in a heartbeat. Dark Chocolate Digestives, I love you.

3. Bourbon Creams

These are THE BEST biscuits to have with tea. Their rectangular shape makes them perfect for optimum dunking. To my surprise (and slight disappointment), they are chocolate-flavoured and not Bourbon-flavoured. However, the chocolate cream filling and biscuits are very nice and not too sweet. I dare you to try not to eat half of the pack with a cup of tea.

2. Shortbread

I had Irish shortbread while in Northern Ireland on a Giant's Causeway tour. They were one of the most buttery, delicious biscuits I have ever had. There really is a depth to a good shortbread that speaks to the care put into its making. Shortbread, for me, has the perfect blend of nostalgia and simple deliciousness. There are people who think shortbread is bland or not exciting enough to buy, and those people have not had a truly good shortbread.

1. Jam 'n' Creams

Were you not expecting this pick for the best British biscuit? The truth is, Jam 'n' Creams are everything I want in a biscuit. They are like Jammie Dodgers but with a layer of vanilla cream filling. For some reason, I couldn't always find these in stores, and the fact that they were scarce only multiplied my love for them. Each biscuit is a treat; it is hard to eat multiple and not savour each one. The flavour is perfect. The texture is perfect. The size is perfect. The design is perfect. Jam 'n' Creams are perfect, beautiful biscuits and my pick for #1 on the Biscuit Hierarchy of Deliciousness.

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